Report Abuse

We take the abuse of the hushNote service very seriously. We encourage all users to report any abuse of our services, including instances of hushNote being used to facilitate illegal activities. Please use the email address below to report such activities for review and action.

Note: Due to the temporary and anonymous nature of the hushNote service, all notes must be accessible at the time of review in order for us to take action. We do not retain any information for notes which have expired or have been destroyed, either via the Destroy Password or by way of the note meeting its maximum allowed views. Additionally, we do not require an account to use this service and we do not retain user information, therefore it's unlikely that we'll be able to do much about the report aside from deleting the content. With that said, we do still encourage you to report any illegal use of the hushNote service.

hushNote is a free service available for public & anonymous use. All hushNote content found on this website is user-generated. We do not actively moderate the content posted by hushNote users. All content posted here belongs solely to the note creator.  Report Abuse